Hi all,

I have a researcher who is looking at China in the post-Kyoto talks. The
main argument is that two discourses play in the debate about China: 1.
China as a developing nation (UNDP and WB approach) and 2. China as a
large and swiftly industrializing state with potentially very large
China and other actors use these discourses in different forums, for
different audiences and for different strategic goals.

My question is: do you know of any articles that explain the use of
discourses and discourse analysis in light of this issue. It is
surprisingly difficult to find a text that really explains the 'how to
make use of discourse analysis' in this type of questions. Most things I
have seen just start from the assumption that the disourse is there,
that one has looked at it, and ... here are the conclusions. A more
methodological approach to the use of discourse analysis in GEP seems
less easy to find. Or have I just not looked in the right spot?

Friendly greetings,

Hans Bruyninckx
Associate Professor of International Environmental Politics
Environmental Policy Group
Wageningen University

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