Hello -

I humbly suggest as well a book I have edited that will be available this July 
from Ashgate Publishing:
The Social Construction of Climate Change: Power, Knowledge, Norms and 

The book uses two social constructivist perspectives (norm-centered and 
discourses) to examine the actors and forces shaping climate change policies in 
several case states and issue areas.


----- Original Message -----
From: phaas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, February 26, 2007 6:35 am
Subject: climate change books
To: GEP-ED <gep-ed@listserve1.allegheny.edu>

> I am posting this request for a friend.  Please let me know 
> if you have any suggestions.
>   I am looking for books 
> that the deal with the regulation or politics of climate change 
> or 
> alternatively with 'agenda setting and climate 
> change'.   Still more 
> generally with books that examine the role of political actors 
> in 
> shaping global response to climate change
> Peter M. Haas
> Professor 
> Department of Political Science
> 216 Thompson Hall
> University of Massachusetts
> Amherst, Massachusetts 01003
> ph 1 413 545 6174
> fax 1 413 545 3349

Assistant Professor of Political Science
Model United Nations Advisor
Western Oregon University
345 N Monmouth Ave
Monmouth OR 97361
(503)838-8301 (w)

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