Hi all,

I have been dragooned into designing and teaching a course about 
institutional/campus sustainability at Dear Old UMass Dartmouth. The basic idea 
is to examine the nuts and bolts of moving toward a more sustainable society 
(or not) by using the university, and its broader political, economic, social, 
and natural environment, as a model. I imagine this will involve lots of 
traipsing about to see boilers, trash, and recycling as well as the activities 
of various decisionmaking bodies on campus (Look! There's the Provost doing 
laps in the pool!)

Have any of you taught a class like this before? If so, I sure would like to 
take a look at your syllabi, and to benefit from any other cautionary advice 
that you might wish to share.

Assistant Professor of Political Science
Associate Director of the Honors Program
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

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