Simon (and others outside the U.S.)-

Here is the answer I got from Michael Halpern at UCS, clarifying whether this is open to non-US scientists:

Hi Susi - Sorry for the ambiguity. The statement is only open to U.S. residents or U.S. citizens living abroad. U.S. residents, or those with a U.S. mailing address, can sign the statement _through the website._ The latter can send an email with their name and address to sign on, as international addresses submitted through the webform will be rejected. Sorry if this caused you to send to the wrong folks, and thanks for your help. Michael

Simon Dalby wrote:
Is this limited to Americans only or is it an international appeal? S.D.

On Jan 4, 2008 11:00 AM, Susanne Moser <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hi Gep-ed'ers -

    Not sure it's appropriate to have a bit of political activism in the
    name of science here (Wil? - please advise). If it's not o.k. -
    push the
    delete button now.

    Otherwise, maybe you might consider this (and forward to colleagues):

    I want to draw your attention to a statement I signed
    to voice my concern about the manipulation, suppression, and
    distortion of science for political reasons. Signatories to this
    statement include 52 Nobel Laureates, 63 recipients of the
    National Medal of Science, and almost 200 members of the
    National Academies.

    You can read more about the statement and add your name by
    visiting . The deadline for
    signing the statement is January 25, 2008.

    We have seen political interference in science on issues from
    toxic mercury pollution to global warming to prescription drug
    safety. Because of these actions, decisions about our health and
    environment are made without access to the best available

    Since 2004, more than 12,000 scientists, engineers, and public
    health professionals have signed on to the scientist statement
    on restoring scientific integrity to federal policy making. This
    document continues to be regularly referenced by the media and
    Congress as evidence of the scientific community's deep concern
    about this problem.

    Visit to read the letter and
    sign on today.

    By signing the statement, you'll help demonstrate widespread
    concern among scientists about this increasing problem. And
    you'll have the option to receive updates once or, at most,
    twice a month from UCS with the latest news about efforts to
    prevent the misuse of science on a variety of issues--as well as
    what steps you can take to defend science from political

    For more information about this issue, visit .

    If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for
    the Scientific Integrity Network at:;

    thanks for considering it,


    Susanne C. Moser, Ph.D.
    Institute for the Study of Society and Environment (ISSE)
    National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
    P.O. Box 3000
    Boulder, CO 80307

    Tel: 303.921.6539

    *** NOTE: I am on leave from NCAR from August 2007 through
    July 2008 at Clark University in Worcester, Mass. You can
    continue to reach me via this email and phone number. ***

Simon Dalby, Ph.D.
Professor, Carleton University <>
Political Geography Section Editor of Geography Compass
( <>)

Susanne C. Moser, Ph.D.
Institute for the Study of Society and Environment (ISSE)
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307

Tel: 303.921.6539

*** NOTE: I am on leave from NCAR from August 2007 through
July 2008 at Clark University in Worcester, Mass. You can
continue to reach me via this email and phone number. ***

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