Damien Finbar White has an excellent article, entitled, "A Green
Industrial Revolution? Sustainable Technological Innovation in a Global
Age." in the Summer 2002 edition of Environmental Politics, which offers a
thoughtful and critical analysis of Hawken, Lovins, and Lovins.

John Meyer

>      Critique on Amory Lovins / RMI
> Dear All,
>  I was at the Berlin conference of the Human Dimensions of Global Change
> yesterday and attended a (video conference) presentation by dr. Amory
> Lovins of the Rocky Mountain institute. I have seen few people so bluntly
> reduce all environmental problems (and the politics around it) to
> technological fetishes (apparently accessible to all?).
>  He also advocated another book of his and colleagues entitled 'Natural
> Capitalism' that again combines all the good and the ugly into a
> 'profitable' 'win-win' mix for all of humankind and nature... On the
> website of the book (natcap.org) it says that they want to publish cheers
> and jeers, but that 'so far, the book has received almost pure praise and
> that frankly, this is a bit embarrassing'.
>  Now, personally, I cannot imagine this, and wonder whether anybody on the
> list has some suggestions for critical literature/articles. Basically,
> I'm looking for some more practical armour in the face of people who so
> optimistically go about selling such grand illusions.
>  Thanks,
>  Bram

John M. Meyer, Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Government & Politics
1 Harpst Street
Humboldt State University
Arcata, CA  95521  USA

phone:707.826.4497; fax:826.4496

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