For a course I teach on environmental policy (not exclusively
international -- it's also comparative and U.S.) I want a week on NGO
groups and am looking for suggestions for readings. (Yes, I have the
Betsill/Corell book and will probably be using parts of that).

I'm particularly looking for readings on the various types of roles that
NGOs and activist groups can play -- from the helpful to the recalictrant
-- and I'd love to find something that talks about the potentially
advantages of extremist groups to change the boundaries of what might be
considered acceptable. (i.e. the mainstream might not every agree that
their tactics or even goals are reasonable, but by being so unreasonable
they make what might have previously seemed a bit radical appear
mainstream in comparison).

And I always like sources that come from different perspectives, disagree
with each other, etc.

Anyone have sources to suggest?  (I'll compile a list a report.)


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