but she says she's sure that it's the lack of water that was the reason, and she says 
that the waterbottle always looks like  it's full...??? that makes me wonder how close 
she is when she checks it?  from a distance it can b difficult to tell if there's 
water in the bottle, yes, i know that....but if you open the tank you can see.....and 
it's easy to check the bottle when you give them food....

i don't say she is an animal abuser, but maybe she hasn't the time she need for them? 
i know it can be hard to find time if you have a lot of pets, but it don't take that 
long to open tha tank and check the bottle, and also to check if they have food 
left....you cant' just check from distance, u must open the tank...

The Gerbil House

> What puzzles me about this whole thing is that she
> mentioned that the water bottle was empty when she found them. I'm
> guessing perhaps she just may not know as much about gerbils as a lot
> of us think. Perhaps she just assumed, because the bottle was empty,
> this could have been the culprit. The near death of the one and the
> death of the other leads me to assume it was something totally
> different involved. I don't recall the age she said he was, but it
> could have been possible a respitory infection, allergy, or some
> other disease that she did not know how to detect was the cause. I
> know if I found my gerbils dead and the water bottle empty, and if I
> was an 'animal abuser' like so many people have accused Lisa of
> being, I would definitely not bother to mention to anyone the lack of
> water they had.
> I'm just one of those people that don't judge people until I get the
> full story.

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