Okay, I used to be on the GML, but unsubscribed awhile ago.  Just yesterday
one of my female pair of a year and a half died from an advanced
respiratory infection.  I'm 2000 miles away, and wasn't able to diagnose
the problem before it came to death.  My question is this: the vet had my
sister (the current care giver) replace the litter with astro-turf, rinse
all parts in vinegar, take out most chewing stuff, and prescribed
anti-biotics for the remaining gerbil, now under quarantine for 2 weeks
(!?).  I questioned the whole astro-turf thing.  Also, should I attempt to
introduce a new cage mate (Spoo, the remaining one took forever to warm up
to Key, the now deceased one, however is now lonely and before
introductions was pulling her tail fur out), and if so, what is the
thoughts on the quarantine time length?

I would greatly appreciate any feedback.  It's hard being away from my
"kids" (now kid) in their time of need.

Kelly Moore

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