yes, reading this is quite disturbing actually. i'm not going to get
involved though.
josie xx

-----Original Message-----
From: Jocelyn Kessinger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: Decide for yourself

Thank you Donna! Maybe now all the people that were
new and didnt understand will get the picture. Lisa

Jocie K
--- ABCgerbils <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >From: Pete Hurst
> >I have lurked for a few days seeing the flow of
> >messages, as is good mailing list & usenet manners.
> >I'm disappointed to see the amount of flaming going
> on!
> >Somebody please convince me this isn't normal!
> I have been participating in the GML since March
> 2000.
>  It is an exceptional list of exceptionally caring
> gerbil enthusiasts.
> Keeping gerbils beyond a setup of a single pair can
> get complicated, and I think all hobby breeders on
> the
> list have made mistakes or wrong decisions that
> ended
> up in gerbil losses (I know I have).  People on the
> list respond in a helpful and sympathetic way.  The
> situation with Lisa P. is that since she joined the
> list in May 2000, the combined total of losses and
> situations is of concern to many.
> Below are snips from the archive to give an
> overview.
> My recommendation is that people look carefully at
> the
> archive at all the messages in their entirety that
> Lisa has posted in the past year and decide for
> themselves.  (You can do a Search on anyone's last
> name to see all of their prior posts).
> Then people can decide based on accurate information
> whether they want to block future posts or continue
> to
> receive and/or respond to them.
> Hope you do give the GML a chance; it's a great
> list!
> Donna
> ABC Gerbils
> <Snips> from Lisa P. from the GML archive
> 5/16/00 - hi. my gerbil got out of his cage and when
> my friend and i were trying to get him we acidently
> rip a part of his tail off :
> 5/18/00 - I have a problem with my gerbil, she keeps
> limping on her left leg.
> 5/22/00 -
>        Hi, Just to let everyone know the 2 babies
> Kateela and Marley had died :*(
> 6/05/00 - Kateela (female) never bit me when I first
> got her, but Marley (male) did.
>        Well acutually nibble. Now Kateela "nibbles"
> all the time.
> 6/17/00 - My one baby gerbil just died and I am
> holding one now in my handes because he is about to
> 6/18/00 - My gerbil father had 2 of his pups die
> today
> :{
> 6/19/00 - Hi list, My one surviving pup is doing
> fine.
> 6/21/00 - Kateela and Marley had 6 pups in all (4
> alive and 2 dead).
> 7/08/00 - Hi list, Cricket the 1 baby out of 6 that
> survived has passed on. He was 23 days old today.
> 7/11/00 - Hi list,  Kateela (Pied Lilac) and Marley
> (Pied Nutmeg) and 7 healthy babies today (June 11).
> 7/11/00 - I have named all of the pups. The names
> are
> Fuzzy, Pinky, Baby, Arkey, Bluey, Nathen, and Ariel.
> But sadly Baby is dead.
> 7/11/00 - Hi list, One of the pups, Arkey, has a cut
> on its upper left arm. What should I do?  Put
> Neosporn
> on it? O yeah. Bluey is about to die.
> 7/11/00 - Bluey has just passed away.'
> 7/11/00 - 3 more of the pups died. I have only 2
> now.
> The one with the cut did die.
> 7/15/00 - My attack a mouse sometime last
> night. The mouse was pregnanat. It
> had between 3-4 pups. The mouse and pups all died :{
> 7/28/00 - Marley's nose is very red and I think
> bloody. What should I do? He is too wild to pick up
> and bites really hard.
> 7/29/00 - Please help. I did put neosporen on the
> pups' noses. The parents bit to bad to do them.
> 8/11/00 - Hi list, Today I went to the vet to bring
> my
> friend's hamsters in. It is a really nice vet. They
> do
> a good job to. I found out my hamster has the same
> problem as hers she brung in a few days ago. They
> have
> a liver problem. I have to give it medicine through
> a
> needless siringe.
> 8/12/00 - Kateela and Marley had 5 pups today,
> August
> 12.
> 8/14/00 - My one hamster Cottonball who had the
> liver
> thing passed on today. :{ i think it was because of
> the medician and he didnt have a liver problem. i
> think he had wet tail.
> 8/16/00 - Hi list, Over these past 4 days 2 pups
> from
> the forth litter born August 12th passed on. Fuzzy
> from the 3rd litter died today also. she was almost
> 5
> weeks old.
> 8/20/00 -  Hi list, My 3 pups that survived out of
> the
> 5 born August 12 are doing great.
> 8/22/00 - Hi list, I jus wanted everyone to know
> that
> I got a new meber. It is an albino mouse.  I think
> male. His name is Cheezer Chinker Plaeczny. I
> rescued
> him since he was a feeder. I named him Cheezer after
> the new mouse beanie.
> 9/09/00 - Hi list, Today Kateela and Marley had g
> iven
> birth to there 5th litter of 8 pups!
> 9/12/00 - HI LIST, All 8 pups that were born
> Saturday
> the 9 have passed on. She just wouldn't take care of
> them.
> 9/14/00 - Hi list, I just wanted to let you all know
> my almost 5 week old pups were attacked by my cat
> today. They are in a plasctic container and my cat
> got
> the door open and took 2 of them out. CRICKET2 AND
> DOT, Thankfully I was there and he didn't even leave
> a
> mark.
> 9/19/00 -  But, Dot was attacked by my cat. I was
> sleeping and suddenly woke up.  He had her by the
> neck/head. If I were to get there any later she
> probably would of died. She is doing better now. The
> dresser is now tied up in all sorts of knots. They
> will be getting a new cage soon.
> 10/6/00 - HI list, Kateela and Marely  had their 6th
> litter of 2 pups today. I was gone all day.  So
> sadly,
> when I came back I couldn't find them. I even
> cleaned
> the cage carefully. I know they ate them.
> 10/21/00 - Hi list,
> Marley died today at about 2:30-2:45. Kateela chewed
> off his hind feet. Now no one can get made if she
> kills another litter.
> 10/28/00 - Hi list, It has been awhile since I last
> updated. I am still very sad about what happened to
> Marley. Kateela seems to be doing fine with out him.
> 11/5/00 - I think Cricket2 may also be pregnany. She
> is very wild though…
> Too top that off my Hamster, Peanut Butter, recently
> died last Wednesday (November 1st). He would of been
> 4
> soon which is old.
> 12/17/00 - Yes, Never, ever try this! I found out
> the
> hard way. I lost my gerbil due to tooo many injuries
> my hamster had left. The hamster had 3 small cuts
> but
> the gerbil (who was white) was almost all red!
> 12/25/00 - Hey List, This is truley a VERY Merry
> Christmas for me. Dot and Damion (son & daughter of
> Kateela and Marley) gave birth to 5 pups.
> 1/21/01 - hey list, My pups have been attacked by
> their parents. Only the 3 boys tho. the 2 girls r
> fine. Rudolph's hind right foot was betten off. they
> are only 4 weeks old.
> 1/23/01 - Mistletoe is doing fine. Berry can not
> walk
> on his right foot. He just drags it. Is it broken or
> could he have a damaged muscle? Rudolph (the 3
> legged
> one) will not eat from mom.  He is very weak.
> 1/26/01 - Hey list, My 3 legged gerbil, Rudolph,
> just
> died in the middle of the night.
> 1/30/01 - Hi,
> I took out a divider with my gerbils. i thought they
> were ok because they slept in eachohters nest. They
> also had been in there a week or more. This morning
> I
> found Seva all injured. Cuts everywhere on his tail.
> What should I do? i put neosporen on it. i have the
> divider back in the cage because I have no exta
> cages.
> I have only one, but my lizard's new roomate died of
> mites so I took it outside.
> 1/30/01 - Hey list, Seva and Cricket [2] had 6 pups
> alltogether. lisa& TFC
> 2/9/01 - Hi,
> Cricket2's pups are doing good. There are only 5 now
> instead of 6. She ate one. I found her water bottle
> empty. Oops. She did try to eat the other
> pups because some of them are missing parts of their
> tails…
> And finally Kateela. She is doing good. i finally
> held
> her a few days ago without her biting me.
> 2/9/01 - Hi, I made a mistke. dot's pups are not
> ok!!!!!! They must have got into a fight.
> berry died. The others cant walk. I am holding
> mistletoe. Hei s in bad shape.  help!@
> 2/13/01 - O because when I picked up my gerbil Dot
> it
> was like she was shedding. Fur everywhere.
> 2/19/01 - Hi list, I just got a rat and need some
> help. My friend has a snake that eats rats. Since it
> hasn't eaten it she gave it to me. It is mean
> though.
> When we were trying to catch it, it kept biting the
> stick we had. I gave her a bath and she has calmed
> down. She will let me pet her. How should I tame
> her?
> She also may be pregnant.
> 3/21/01 -  Hi List, My rat, Kara, had 9 kits so for.
> 8
> are alive and 1 was stillbron.
> 3/22/01 - Hi all, I thought I'd just give it  shot
> here. i have 7 ratties availiable in 2 weeks. EMail
> me
> for info on them. i am in Il and cant ship. If they
> dont get homes they'll end up at a shelter or a
> petstore (forr snake food).
> 4/14/01 - Now the off topic update on The Kara Clan
> of
> rats.  I have 4 girls (including mom) and 4 boys. 1
> boybabies did die though.
> 5/26/01 - KATEELA & CRICKET
> They are doing very good. Kateela has stopped biting
> almost. She is pretty good and can be handled for a
> little while. Cricket2 still bites though. I can't
> really hold her though. They are in good health and
> Kateela turned 1 year in Feb.
> **Update On My Rats**
> My rats are also doing good. I have decided to keep
> them all. I also got 2 new female rats named Little
> Capricorn and Sayriel (Say-reel). I rescued them
> both
> from the same snake I got Kara from. For all you
> newbies who don't know, Kara was going to be snake
> food, but kept biting. so, my friend gave her to me
> knowing I had always wanted a rat. About a week
> later
> she had 9 ratlets. 1 was stillborn and 1 died
> though.
> **Mice**
> My little girl mouse, Rainbow, died some time back.
> I
> put Arcey (RC) in with Mousey. I am going to try to
> breed them so neither will be loney.
> 06/20/01 - Hey everyone, My gerbils had no water in
> one cage and sadly one gerbil died.
> 06/22/01 -Damion & Seva - biting problem.  Rat: Want
> my rats too? I have 10. One is preggers tho. I got
> her
> today.
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