Thank you for sharing your pain,  I know how you feel,  I had a
hamster Hammy,  and this is like close to 15 years ago,  but she was
hand fed,  and well a real sweet heart.  I use to bring her up in to
the bed room of the condo I was living in and let her just run around.
Laying in bed watching TV you would see this little lump under the
sheets,  a head would pop out and she would just sit there on my chest
staring at me.  Her cage was on the first floor,  one night, she got
out, I kept hearing this noise,  at first I thought it was snow
sliding off the roof,  finally I bought my foot done and this little
furry thing ran across it,  I picked it up, and thought,  I hope this
is my hamster.  Of course she was looking for food,  cause I would
always hand feed her in the bedroom,  she was always so cute with her
full pouches.  Well she was one in a million rodents that is for sure.
She died when she was 3,  one night she was acting funny,  and dang if
she did not die in my hands when I was holding her,  she nestled up to
me shuddered a couple of times and was gone.  So here I am a 30 year
old male balling my eyes out over this little hamster.  And the fact
that she had to hold out, till I picked her up,  she knew, and I
believed she held out to say goodbye,  people always think I am nuts
telling them that,  but she knew.

Just wanted to share.

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001 20:02:38 -0700, you wrote:

>Thanks to all who posted the sweet little stories about their gerbs,
>they gave me a much needed smile.  Earlier today I had to have our 3 1/2
>year old Rascal put to sleep.  Poor thing seemed to have not only an ear
>infection, but probably a malignant middle ear tumor.  We tried for
>weeks to clear it up, including two trips to the vet and medicine that
>he hated, but it just kept getting worse.  Finally I knew it was no use
>and I didn't want him to die slowly and painfully just because it was
>hard for me to let him go.  He is at peace now and no more pain.  It's
>going to take me a long time to get over this one, though. :(
>Nearly all the gerbils I have are descended from Rascal and his deceased
>mate Miss Piggy.  Our clan name, The Little Rascals, is derived partly
>from his name and partly from the mischievous nature of gerbils!  He was
>a great-grandfather.  I remember when I first got him and put him into a
>split cage with Miss Piggy, he took matters into his own paws and chewed
>through the barrier (I was new to that and didn't do a good job).
>Fortunately they got along well.
>Rascal is one of the only gerbils I've had that really enjoyed being
>petted, sometimes anyway.  Most of mine have all been too hyper for
>that, but when he was in a relaxed, sleepy mood, I could pet and pet him
>and he'd just stretch out and enjoy it.  Just had to catch him in the
>right mood!  :)  His son Sherlock, who carried on the line, was watching
>this once when he was a pup, and apparently decided it looked
>interesting.  He snuggled up to Rascal, and stretched his little head
>out right next to his father's so when I petted Rascal, he got petted
>too.  Sherlock won my heart right then and there!  Rascal was a good
>"dad" and passed on a lot of good personality traits.
>Rascal had survived two earlier ear tumors (those were on the outside
>where we could get to them) and a scent gland tumor.  His cagemate
>Pookie seems a bit bewildered right now.  I'll have to keep an eye on
>him.  If he seems depressed I plan to hunt down two male pups to put
>with him.  He is over 3 himself so I'd want to get two, that way they'd
>have each other when he passes on.

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