My first time saying something to this whole mess.  Either there is a
permanent black cloud floating over this girl's head, or she's got quite a
grisly imagination (and a serious case of "I need attention").  Why would she
even BOTHER to tell us these stories, when half of us are of the opinion that
she shouldn't be allowed within a ten-mile radius of any domesticated animal?
(or any animal PERIOD, for that matter)  She's seen the way people have
jumped on her (figuratively speaking, of course) for her apparent
mistreatment of animals, yet she keeps coming back with "my hamster fell on
his head", "this hamster has wet-tail, I think", "my dog got out mysteriously
and was killed" stories!

So with this last ludicrous email, I'm of the opinion that she's just
enjoying getting everybody worked up.  Not even the Kennedy family could have
so many animal tragedies all in the span of a few months!

Anyway, I realize I shouldn't have said anything, because this could just
spur another round of fighting and flaming (which she would no doubt enjoy),
but I've gotten quite FED UP with these stories.  If she had to make
something up, why not happy things?  I'd rather hear made-up stories of
gerbils having babies every day for a whole month than this!

Stop the dramatics!

A very fed up,

The Eisen Clan

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