An interesting article appeared in one of the national daily newspapers here
in the UK yesterday.  I thought others might like to read it



Daily Telegraph 30/6/01

MI5's secret plan to recruit gerbils as spycatchers
By Michael Smith, Defence Correspondent

  MI5 considered using a team of highly-trained gerbils to detect spies and
terrorists flying into Britain during the 1970s, Sir Stephen Lander, the
service's director-general, revealed yesterday.
The plan was based on the ability of gerbils to detect a rise in adrenalin
from changes in the scent of human sweat. Sir Stephen said the Israelis had
put the idea into practice, placing gerbil cages to the side of security
checks for travellers at Tel Aviv airport. A suitably placed fan wafted the
scent of the suspect's sweat into the cage.

The gerbils were trained by Pavlovian response to press a lever if they
detected increased adrenalin, receiving food as a reward. The system was
never put into practice by MI5 because the Israelis were forced to abandon
it after they found that the gerbil could not tell the difference between
terrorists and passengers who were scared of flying.

Speaking at a conference at the Public Record Office in Kew, Sir Stephen
said MI5 archives contained a complete volume on the idea - which was based
on Canadian research for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police - written in the

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