So, my question 'o' the day..


I was in a petshop yesterday visiting the world's sweetest degu (which I can't buy because I'm in school and CANNOT sneak 2 gerbils *and* a degu on a plane *sob*)


Anyway, I saw two little gerbil copies of my Percil gerbil (although Percil is of course much cuter!) and these gebils were huge!  Double the size of Percil at least.  So, I asked the petstore people how old their gerbils were, and they said just over six weeks.  Now, Percil is 6 months, and I am not kidding, DOUBLE the size.  I mentioned this and he asked what Percil ate.  He said that those square food things are better than feed, which is true.  I thought that was because feed was so high in fat.  But Percil is smaller, and he munches on the feed.  (Although never when I am watching.. although in 6 months he must have eaten once or twice..;) )


Anyway, my question is, is the pet shop lying about the ages of the gerbils?  Or is Percil waay too small and undernourished?  His g/f Kippy is the piggiest gerbil and loves the food I give them.  She hogs the sunflower seeds, but there is plenty of food left, so that isn't the problem.  (Althouh I have NEVER seen him eat.. if I give him food he will chew it and then scamper away..)  The guy at the pet store also said that if he is that small he has not achieved maturity yet.  That could be true, because he has not once tried to get it on with Kippy - he'd much rather have a nap.  Could his lack of maturity be because he was separated from his mother by the pet shop at just over 4 weeks (way too early, but at the time, I figured better with me than in a pet shop)..

..not urgent, just wonderings..


--Melanie, Kippy, Percil 

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