Male adult gerbils can get huge!  But this is usually
at about 8 months or older.  My females and breeding
males are a good 50% smaller than the bachelors.

My guess is that the petstore is mis-informed on the

ABC Gerbils
--- Melanie Gall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>
<P><BR><BR>So, my question 'o' the day..</P>
<P>I was in a petshop yesterday visiting the world's
sweetest degu (which I can't buy because I'm in school
and CANNOT sneak 2 gerbils *and* a degu on a plane
<P>Anyway, I saw two little gerbil copies of my Percil
gerbil (although Percil is of course much cuter!) and
these gebils were huge!&nbsp; Double the size of
Percil at least.&nbsp; So, I asked the petstore people
how old their gerbils were, and they said just over
six weeks.&nbsp; Now, Percil is 6 months, and I am not
kidding, DOUBLE the size.&nbsp; I mentioned this and
he asked what Percil ate.&nbsp; He said that those
square food things are better than feed, which is
true.&nbsp; I thought that was because feed was so
high in fat.&nbsp; But Percil is smaller, and he
munches on the feed.&nbsp; (Although never when I am
watching.. although in 6 months he must have eaten
once or twice..;) )</P>
<P>Anyway, my question is, is the pet shop lying about
the ages of the gerbils?&nbsp; Or is Percil waay too
small and undernourished?&nbsp; His g/f Kippy is the
piggiest gerbil and loves the food I give them.&nbsp;
She hogs the sunflower seeds, but there is
plenty&nbsp;of food left, so that isn't the
problem.&nbsp; (Althouh I have NEVER seen him eat.. if
I give him food he will chew it and then scamper
away..)&nbsp; The guy at the pet store also&nbsp;said
that if he is that small he has not achieved maturity
yet.&nbsp; That could be true, because he has not once
tried to get it on with&nbsp;Kippy - he'd much rather
have a nap.&nbsp; Could his lack of maturity be
because he was separated from&nbsp;his mother by the
pet shop at just over 4 weeks (way too early, but at
the time, I figured better with me than in a pet
<P>..not urgent, just wonderings..</P>
<P>--Melanie, Kippy, Percil&nbsp; </P></DIV></div><br
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