Any reputable airline will not allow animals to ground
when temperatures are over 85F.  In case they get to
sit on the tarmac with the rest of the luggage/cargo.
When I shipped animals last October I had a problem
with departure temperature (below 32F) and arrival
temperature in Florida (that day it was only slated to
be 82) I managed to get them to take the shipment
even though it was 29F by literally showing up at
departure time and the freight guy ran it straight to
the plane then came back to do the paperwork.  So
it did not sit at departure.

Sending live animals at this time of year by air freight
can be difficult unless it can be booked as a direct
flight with no layovers and there is guaranteed someone
will be standing by to pick it up at arrival....

I know, I wish it was easier and less of a hassle and
less expensive to ship gerbils legally.

Rebel's Rodent Ranch

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