>Also, what do you use to clean their home with?

Hot water, and elbow grease. :)

>I'd use plain toilet paper alone for awhile to give his nose the best
>chance to heal.  Then gradually introduce aspen, corncob, and Carefresh
>and hopefully he'll be OK with one of those.

Thanks to everyone for all the help. I've changed the bedding to
simple toilet paper, doped up his nose again, and we'll see how it
goes from there.

Thanks again!


>>  Yes, I know you should put neosporin on a banged up nose. The
>>  question is how often? Every two hours? Twice a day?
>>  Einstein's poor nose has gotten progressively worse. I changed their
>>  bedding over to aspen (it was pine before, only because I had so much
>>  of it left, and I figured as long as there were no pups around, it
>>  wouldn't hurt them to nest in it for a bit longer) and the only other
>>  thing I possibly have in the tank that could remotely irritate his
>>  nose is toilet paper... but it's non-dyed and non-smelly. :) I
>>  honestly don't think it's from digging too much, unless his nose is
>>  more sensitive than his mate, Trinity. She's showing absolutely NO
>>  sign of irritation.
>>  And every time I put neosporin on he just rubs it off. Is my only
>>  alternative to change BACK to pine, hope the to-be-pups aren't
>>  allergic to it, and let the nose heal on it's own? I honestly don't
>>  know what to do. He's the only one having a problem with the bedding.
>>  Any suggestions are most welcome!
>>  Thanks.
>>  -Jackie & The Copper Dragon Clan
>Tana and The Little Rascals

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