First, please post to this list in plain text, not HTML.  Not just black
lettering and a white background, but plain text.  If you're an AOL user, I
can look up how to do it, since AOL makes it a pain to do, I understand.

At 02:53 PM 7/25/01, you wrote:
>I want to use toilet paper as bedding instead of the pine i usually
>use...since my gerbils always kick the pine out no matter what I do.  So if
>I'm going to use toilet paper, should I just un-roll a roll and shread the
>paper and put it in the bottom, or just put the un-rolled paper in to the
>bottom?  I'm just worried they the 2 will try and pull all of the paper into
>their nest.  Does anyone have any ideas?

When we had our gerbils in the garage, we put about an inch or two of pine
in the bottom, then gave each cage an entire roll of cheap, unscented,
undyed, single-ply toilet paper from a case we bought from Sam's
Club.  They happily shredded it (one roll of TP fills up a ten gallon tank)
and make a good cage-sized nest with it, with the pine incorporated into it
almost like structural support.


Hush now, my baby, be still love don't cry,
Sleep as you're rocked by the stream
Sleep and remember my last lullaby
So I'll be with you when you dream.             --FX

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