Hello again!

I was going to send this email BEFORE the whole mess with the Neosporin
occurred, but anyway, here's a kind of fun question I was thinking about
earlier (which might have been asked before, but indulge me ^_^)...

How do you pick the names for your gerbils?  Is it just something random, or
do you name them after favorite characters from books, TV, movies...?  I know
some people name them by a theme:  some name their gerbils after
constellations, others from mythical characters...

I was just wondering, because I was looking around at different clan webpages
last night, and I just thought it was neat how some people came up with
really creative names!  I've seen just about everything from 'Fluffy' to
names that were taken from organic chemistry!

When I first thought about naming my clan, I was going to go with 'The
Thespian Clan', but I realized that that would limit me too much because I'd
basically have to name all the gerbils after actors and actresses!  So I came
up with 'The Eisen Clan' instead, which lets me choose whatever names I want.
 ;)  I basically just pick out whatever names I think sound neat.  I chose
Hamlet and Ophelia because I wanted a Shakespearian romantic couple, but
Romeo and Juliet was too common...granted, the names I DID pick don't exactly
bring up happy images, but I still like them!  ;)  And their babies thus far
are Harry, Hermione, Percy, and the Wish-Answered Triplets (they were three
identical pups, so I just gave them a group name, hehe).

But I just figured I'd throw the question out, in case anyone was bored and
felt like sharing their stories!  ;)

Have a good day/night!

The Eisen Clan

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