Our clan name is a combination of a play on my last name and my boyfriends name (The CowBer Clan) And as far as the
acutal gerbils names......Foxy we named after the dog his father had for a month and gave away that Aaron and I just adored
(we still havent forgiven him for this....plus he did it when Aaron and I were on vacation) Jaws was named Jaws cause I just
thought it fit (even though he has never bitten a person in his life lol) Molly was named after Aarons character on a online game
him and I both play and Donte.....well Aaron chose that one I still dont know why! :) As for the babies......each of them got their
name due to personality (wheeler loved the wheel, Fluffy was just.....fluffy!, Hoppy dosent run or walk....she hops like a rabbit..
plus she spends her free time trying to hop out of the cage! Digger was digging at the corners way before his eyes opened! And
Skittkes, my fave, was never skittish of me (even after her eyes opened) plus she's a sweetie pie and my fave candy are the skittles
candy =) Thats where my babies names came from............
Heather & Aaron
Foxy & Jaws
Molly & Donte
Skittles & Hoppy
The CowBer Clan =)
-----Original Message-----
From: Gerbil Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Amber White
Sent: July 30, 2001 10:48 PM
Subject: Picking names

Hello again!

I was going to send this email BEFORE the whole mess with the Neosporin
occurred, but anyway, here's a kind of fun question I was thinking about
earlier (which might have been asked before, but indulge me ^_^)...

How do you pick the names for your gerbils?  Is it just something random, or
do you name them after favorite characters from books, TV, movies...?  I know
some people name them by a theme:  some name their gerbils after
constellations, others from mythical characters...

I was just wondering, because I was looking around at different clan webpages
last night, and I just thought it was neat how some people came up with
really creative names!  I've seen just about everything from 'Fluffy' to
names that were taken from organic chemistry!

When I first thought about naming my clan, I was going to go with 'The
Thespian Clan', but I realized that that would limit me too much because I'd
basically have to name all the gerbils after actors and actresses!  So I came
up with 'The Eisen Clan' instead, which lets me choose whatever names I want.
 ;)  I basically just pick out whatever names I think sound neat.  I chose
Hamlet and Ophelia because I wanted a Shakespearian romantic couple, but
Romeo and Juliet was too common...granted, the names I DID pick don't exactly
bring up happy images, but I still like them!  ;)  And their babies thus far
are Harry, Hermione, Percy, and the Wish-Answered Triplets (they were three
identical pups, so I just gave them a group name, hehe).

But I just figured I'd throw the question out, in case anyone was bored and
felt like sharing their stories!  ;)

Have a good day/night!

The Eisen Clan

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