On 15/07/2011 19:55, Christopher Woods (CustomMade) wrote:
Radio downloads were completely broken for me for a number of days,
and last night. It looks to be working fine today though. I don't
download TV so I don't know how it compared.

I had problems yesterday simply listening to radio programmes
via the BBC web site, but it seemed OK this afternoon.

What ISPs are all of you customers of? (applies to all people suffering
problems, are you all VM?) It's sounding like a congestion or
routing/peering problem, wondering if it's in ISPland or the BBC side.

get_iplayer mailing list

I think many of us are VM, but certainly not all. It is not a congestion problem, I think, as I have had the problems early and mid-evening, also approaching midnight and this morning, before work, just after 7am. That tends to rule out congestion and contention - though not, of course, routing.

This evening, is an uneasy truce with d/l taking place but somewhat fragile.

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