Thanks for the reply.

On 24/10/12 17:34, dinkypumpkin wrote:
>> If I disable the plugin the URL becomes :
> I assume you mean the URL for the "Play" link.  If so, that doesn't
> quite add up.  If that were really the URL, the playlist below wouldn't
> be generated.

In the Search section with the plugin enabled if I right click Play and
copy the link, or click to open it, the URL is as follows :

With the plugin disabled I get the downloaded file with both Firefox and

> You can give it a slightly nicer name by using a ScriptAlias directive
> for get_iplayer.cgi

Indeed, but I just hadn't got this far ;-) Done as above !

>> #EXTM3U
>> #EXTINF:-1,tv -  - 12 Again: Series 2 - Episode 6 - The Scissor Sisters
>> reveal what they were like at 12.
> The "Play" links are supposed to produce those M3U playlists.  Did you
> try to load the playlist in VLC and play the stream?  If not, do so and
> watch what appears in the Apache logs.  There may errors from ffmpeg, etc.

If I open the downloaded 'get_iplayer.cgi' (which is actually the
palylist) It only show an icon and won't play, but I suspect that it is
down to the following....

>> But I have a feeling that the proxy server is not enabled for streaming
>> play.
> I think the proxy issue is a red herring.  The HTTP proxy isn't used for
> streaming.  Plus, there is no guarantee that you will get access to
> streams from outside the UK.  At least one of the BBC CDNs is
> geo-locked, so specifying an HTTP proxy for get_iplayer doesn't make any
> difference.  It's not HTTP access that is being denied. I note your
> email address is from the UK, so if you're not actually trying to access
> iPlayer from outside the UK, then don't use a proxy at all.

Yes, I am outside the UK but flip back and forth all the time. I have a
VPN back to my office in the UK and use that.

My guess that the proxy is used for recording, but isn't used for
streaming, would appear to be correct though I am not sure why this
would be the case.

I have used get_iplayer on the command line to record via my proxy, and
can stream via a normal web browser with a manual proxy connection. I
have done it this way for a while but I thought I would try and use the
web interface so it was all nicely integrated.

I would still have thought that get_iplayer itself when  called via the
cgi would have picked up the proxy from the options regardless but I
presume it is 'selective' when it uses it.

Any way that the streaming COULD have an option to use a proxy ? I'd
just like to use the web interface for it all !!!!

B. Rgds

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