On Sat Dec 29 16:15:04 GMT 2012, Madeleine wrote:

Nevertheless, I'd hoped to be able to recommend a service I've
occasionally used @ www.dar.fm, but right now I'm getting a suspicious
502 bad gateway on the site. Worth you checking it out.
Problem could be just a holiday thing.

Hi  :-)

The following announcement is from the http://www.radiofeeds.co.uk/ site,
which is collaborating with DAR.fm for "time scheduled" online radio

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: DAR.fm, our recording mechanism, will be offline
from Dec 28 to Dec 31. Recordings scheduled for that period will not take
place. RadioRecorder.co.uk will also fail to schedule any more recordings
during that time. Apologies for the inconvenience.

(at http://www.radiofeeds.co.uk/dar/)

Cheers, Vangelis (in Greece)

PS: Please Madeline & Chris, try not to "top post";
it's against the list's netiquette
(at http://david.woodhou.se/email.html):

6. Place your reply below the quoted text
If you do need to quote any of the original message in your reply, your own
followup should go below the text which you quoted. Do not under any
circumstances quote the entire original message and place your entire reply
at the top. You will simply be ignored.

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