On Sun, Dec 30, 2012, at 12:05 PM, Vangelis forthnet wrote:
>  On Sat Dec 29 16:15:04 GMT 2012, Madeleine wrote:
> >Nevertheless, I'd hoped to be able to recommend a service I've
> >occasionally used @ www.dar.fm, but right now I'm getting a suspicious
> >502 bad gateway on the site. Worth you checking it out.
> >Problem could be just a holiday thing.
>  Hi  :-)
>  The following announcement is from the http://www.radiofeeds.co.uk/
>  site,
> which is collaborating with DAR.fm for "time scheduled" online radio
> recording:
> [quote]
> IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: DAR.fm, our recording mechanism, will be offline
> from Dec 28 to Dec 31. Recordings scheduled for that period will not take
> place. RadioRecorder.co.uk will also fail to schedule any more recordings
> during that time. Apologies for the inconvenience.
> [/quote]
> (at http://www.radiofeeds.co.uk/dar/)
> Cheers, Vangelis (in Greece)
> PS: Please Madeline & Chris, try not to "top post";
> it's against the list's netiquette
> (at http://david.woodhou.se/email.html):
> [quote]
> 6. Place your reply below the quoted text
> If you do need to quote any of the original message in your reply, your
> own
> followup should go below the text which you quoted. Do not under any
> circumstances quote the entire original message and place your entire
> reply
> at the top. You will simply be ignored.
> [quote] 

Thanks for clearing the issue up. Many will be re-assured. 


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