It's a fantastic idea (in principle), and looks great... but I'm in agreement with some others and express concern about get_iplayer becoming too popular, and drawing attention to itself.

A cease and desist letter might occur, but moreover, the last thing most of us want is active measures being taken to counter the use of get_iplayer and effectively 'spoil it for us all'.

My honest belief is that the site should be as nondescript as possible, and generally try to avoid most of the search engine indexing if possible (and certainly lose the domain name with 'iplayer' in it!).

I know it sounds very paranoid, and perhaps worse still, ungrateful.... but rest assured, that is far from the case.

It's great that people are so active in keeping get_iplayer to alive and trying to make life easier for most of us...

But keeping a low profile is probably the best possible strategy. It's just my opinion of course... but life is sweet at present... I don't want it to turn sour! esp when search engines start bringing up the site due to 'iplayer' in the domain name (which can have a strong effect on ranking)

Square Penguin <>
16 July 2013 17:56
Hello all,

A few months ago I wrote a Complete Beginners Guide to get_iplayer on my personal blog, shortly followed by a Troubleshooting Guide.

'Complete' was a bit of a stretch as I soon learnt from the 300+ comments that poured in looking for assistance. However, the posts were very successful with around 12,000+ unique visitors in the last month and tens of thousands of page views.

I was also very fortunate to have Dinkypumkin stop by on a regular basis to offer expert advice and knowledge to those in need.

With that in mind, and with the help of Dinkypumpkin, I've created a fully fledged get_iplayer website, complete with guides, forums, a complete mirror of the Wiki from GitHub (which DP has graciously helped to populate and transfer), faq and quick install guides for all platforms.

The site went 'live' yesterday and you can find the it at the link below, along with my reasons for creating it which are to be found on the blog:

It's pitched very much at the newbie so I hope it helps some of those who struggle to get to grips with get_iplayer, or even with this mailing list ;-)

Of course, it could all be in vain after the recent demise of Radio Downloader (a contemptuous act by the BBC!) and the potential for the BBC to send in the heavies. But here's to hoping that's not the case...


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