Ah! At last! This is most excellent - I was thinking just today that
so much of what I read on the mailing list would be better as FAQs.

And this mailing list is doing my head in - the software is so
hopelessly antiquated, it won't even tag subject lines with
"get_iplayer". And it also defaults to replying to the sender, not the
list (as I just noticed after my post failed to appear after 8 hours!)

So the forum is most welcome too.

Thank you dinkypumpkin and Square Penguin for making our lives that
little bit easier!

"get_iplayer - making the undownloadable, downloadable".

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 5:56 PM, Square Penguin
<squarepeng...@getiplayer.co.uk> wrote:
> Hello all,
> A few months ago I wrote a Complete Beginners Guide to get_iplayer on my
> personal blog, shortly followed by a Troubleshooting Guide.
> 'Complete' was a bit of a stretch as I soon learnt from the 300+ comments
> that poured in looking for assistance. However, the posts were very
> successful with around 12,000+ unique visitors in the last month and tens of
> thousands of page views.
> I was also very fortunate to have Dinkypumkin stop by on a regular basis to
> offer expert advice and knowledge to those in need.
> With that in mind, and with the help of Dinkypumpkin, I've created a fully
> fledged get_iplayer website, complete with guides, forums, a complete mirror
> of the Wiki from GitHub (which DP has graciously helped to populate and
> transfer), faq and quick install guides for all platforms.
> The site went 'live' yesterday and you can find the it at the link below,
> along with my reasons for creating it which are to be found on the blog:
> http://getiplayer.co.uk
> It's pitched very much at the newbie so I hope it helps some of those who
> struggle to get to grips with get_iplayer, or even with this mailing list
> ;-)
> Of course, it could all be in vain after the recent demise of Radio
> Downloader (a contemptuous act by the BBC!) and the potential for the BBC to
> send in the heavies. But here's to hoping that's not the case...
> SquarePenguin
> _______________________________________________
> get_iplayer mailing list
> get_iplayer@lists.infradead.org
> http://lists.infradead.org/mailman/listinfo/get_iplayer

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