Shouldn't the 'as far as I'm aware' side of things be looked into?
It'd be a shame for the new forums and any associated sites to be shut down for 
using a logo

To put my concerns into context; I help admin a site for vintage radio control 
cars and they were recently threatened with legal action for selling 
reproduction stickers copied from stickers that have been out of print for 
nearly 30 years
I dare say the Beeb have a good case against a site (or sites) using their logo 
to assist people to download their content

If the option was pack it in altogether or we sue you for using the logo, what 
would you do?

I've used G_iP since the po-ru downloaded stopped working, it'd be catastrophic 
to lose G_iP too

I live in an area with sub 1m broadband, so G_iP is vital for stuff I missed 
with the Sky box

On 17 Jul 2013, at 01:20, Square Penguin <> wrote:

> To address a few points:
> iplayer in URL: There is nothing wrong with having 'iplayer' in the URL as 
> far as I am aware. The site does not generate revenue (which is key) or seek 
> to dilute the trademark. Legal precedent for this is well established. Check 
> out 'ryan air sucks' for just one notable example that's still alive after 8+ 
> years, if stagnant.
> Use of Logo: That is get_iplayer's logo and always has been as far as I am 
> aware. It is on the front page of this mailing list. If someone would like to 
> do another one I'd be more than happy to use it, but if the BBC decides to go 
> after get_iplayer, it won't be over the logo.
> The name: get_iplayer is called get_iplayer. It has iplayer in the name. If 
> we are concerned that the use of 'iplayer' is the reason the Beeb would shut 
> it down, we should change the name of the software itself. Radio Downloader 
> did not avoid takedown by avoiding the use of 'iplayer'.
> Visibility of get_iplayer: The previous guide has seen thousands, actually 
> tens of thousands of unique visitors and has been sat on the front page for 
> months under very popular search terms such as 'iplayer guide'. Additionally, 
> the software has been available for many many years and the Beeb is well 
> aware of it. It's important to note that Radio Downloader didn't have any 
> protection from takedown by 'hiding under a rock' and nor (logically) would 
> get_iplayer.
> I am happy to use the URL and change the logo if someone 
> provides one, but ask yourself if you think it would truly make any 
> difference in light of Radio Downloader?
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