On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 1:20 AM, Square Penguin
<he...@squarepenguin.co.uk> wrote:

> Use of Logo: That is get_iplayer's logo and always has been as far as I am
> aware. It is on the front page of this mailing list. If someone would like
> to do another one I'd be more than happy to use it, but if the BBC decides
> to go after get_iplayer, it won't be over the logo.

That IS true that it's always been the logo, perhaps it's time for a change?

Look at the two side by side:

BBC Iplayer logo http://hotline.ccsinsight.com/_images-article/iPlayer.png
Get_iplayer logo

I'm not a legal expert but I am in business and I'd be fairly sure
they could come after you. T&C:

2.1.3   the names, images and logos identifying the BBC, its licensors
or third parties and their products and services in BBC Online
Services and/or BBC Content are subject to copyright, design rights
and trade marks (registered and unregistered) of the BBC or any other
relevant third party or licensor.

2.9     You do not have the right to use any BBC Content or BBC mark/logo
on your device or elsewhere except as provided on BBC iPlayer or
through the BBC iPlayer Download Application.

But also, the Beeb have massively deep, almost bottomless pockets.
They pissed away £1bn (that's £100,000,000) on a totally failed IT
project, paid directors £tens of millions more than their contracts
required, and have already spend £2m just on Newsnight:

"The newsnight investigation cost £2.4 million which included £101,000
to cover the "legal and related costs" of Helen Boaden who was heavily
criticised in the report."

To come after GIP would be a tiny drop in the ocean for BBC lawyers
who will be on close to £5,000 *PER HOUR*. Can you afford that?

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