On Wed Feb 12 18:00:43 GMT 2014, I wrote:

Today I am finding that
now redirects to
exposing the new interface to the radio part of BBC iPlayer.

Thanks to Paul Williams' latest post,
I've discovered the following related BBC Internet Blog entry (uploaded Mon Feb 10th):


I've only browsed through the first 20 comments (out of a total of 128 at the time of posting), all of them are echoing my dislike and vast shortcomings of the "new & improved" Radio Homepage (... and there was again mention of the ill-fated RadioDownloader app, forced to self-mutilation by the beeb;
they plan to offer DRM'ed audio downloads in the end of spring...).
Yet another inane change forced upon users just for change's sake - much like the Australis re-design (scheduled to hit the release channel on Fx 29.0) forced me to adopt Firefox 24.3.0 ESR...To quote this article:

"Users hate change that doesn't make things better, but makes everything have to be relearned"


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