On 12 February 2014 18:00, Vangelis forthnet
<northmed...@the.forthnet.gr> wrote:
> OT: A month ago [...]

I missed this when originally posted as a postscript to an email that
wasn't relevant to me and I had skipped. Just seen you mention it in
another thread and came looking.

As only an occasional GiP user, and consequently long time lurker but
rare contributor to this list, I certainly appreciate your level of
involvement here and it would be a shame if your postscript went
unnoticed by the many who you've helped. Personally I think that GiP
is losing a great asset but clearly your own loss is far more
substantial and it's far too easy to forget that faceless people on
mailing lists are real people with real lives and real struggles
off-list. I hope that things improve for you and your household (and
your country), and in the meantime a huge thanks from me for all your
efforts here in the past.

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