On Tue, 2014-07-01 at 06:02 -0700, Chris J Brady wrote:
> In a master stroke of security - or rather in an appalling LACK of
> security - the mailing list owners / moderators have just sent me an
> email confirming my membership - which included MY PASSWORD IN PLAIN

Sending such a reminder every month is normal for most mailman lists.
You'll have been getting one of those every month since you first

That's why there's a bloody great warning on the subscription page where
you enter your password, which says:

        You may enter a privacy password below. This provides only mild
        security, but should prevent others from messing with your
        subscription. Do not use a valuable password as it will
        occasionally be emailed back to you in cleartext. 

The "Do not use a valuable password" bit appears to be in bold...

> For such a mailing list of potentially legally sensitive subject
> matter - i.e. how to hack the BBC's servers - this is an unacceptable
> breach of security.

No. Acceptable subject matter on this list does not include, and has
never included, the hacking of the BBC's servers.


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