On 11/07/2014 16:20, get_ipla...@i.lucanops.net wrote:
Is there a hack to workaround this? I've done the above many times,

No. If rtmpdump receives garbage, there is nothing it - or you - can do about it. If you're the same Nick as the OP, then you already know the solution: use the alternate CDN.

deleting a partial, but I've also tried chopping a bit off the end of
the download and attempting to resume from that (probably used dd to

The video files must be edited frame-wise, not byte-wise. Before resuming a download, rtmpdump looks for the last frame boundary as a splice point. You could use an editor to cut the file on an I-frame boundary, but I have no idea if that will help. The "K-S-V" version of rtmpdump does a better job of locating the splice point, but it cannot resume BBC streams, so there is no help to be had there.

I don't have lots of bandwidth at home, I'm on a phone with an older
radio (280-300k max) and sometimes Three's fair use system is unfair,
there's weather, reception/phone placement.... I'm interested in being
able to sometimes rescue a download even if it is a bit of a ball-ache.

You can try using --start and splicing the pieces together yourself. However, "sanity failed" errors usually appear at the beginning of the download before much content has been downloaded, so you'll waste less time by just deleting the partial download and starting over. You can also supply a single value to --modes and use --attempts=1 to avoid unnecessary retries and a bunch of "corrupt file" warnings when rtmpdump attempts to resume the download.

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