Hello Terry,

Thanks for the swift reply. It's really rather simple this end, Windows 7 on
a pc. All I use Get_Iplayer for is downloading radio programmes (Chris
Evans) to save on a USB memory stick and listen on the car radio!

As kiwi radio is so damn awful, it's really refreshing to listen to some
quality radio..............even Chris Evans.

Cheers, Tim

-----Original Message-----
From: Terry L. Ridder [mailto:artisticfo...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, 2 November 2014 2:59 p.m.
To: Tim Errington
Cc: <get_iplayer@lists.infradead.org>
Subject: Re: BBC Radio Downloads


There have been several patches suggested to get_iplayer-2.87.

It is not clear which operating system you are using so I cannot be more
I use Debian Linux and Mac OSX Snow Leopard/Mountain

My get_iplayer computer is a Mac Mini using a 40in flat panel TV for
monitor. All the radio programs are put into iTunes so I can listen to them
no matter which room I happen to be in. I have airports and speakers in
nearly every room. I use my iPad with a VNC app to control the Mac Mini.

Sent from my iPad
terry l. ridder ><>

> On Nov 1, 2014, at 20:03, "Tim Errington" <terring...@ihug.co.nz> wrote:
> Hello,
> And firstly, thanks for all of your efforts so far that has made it 
> possible for me and many others to listen to BBC radio here in New 
> Zealand and around the world. This ability has allowed me and my 
> family to keep up with what is happening back home for the last few 
> years and its now something that I consider invaluable to me when 
> driving to work to be able to listen to downloads of my favourite BBC
radio programmes.
> Unfortunately, I gather that this has now been made imposable by 
> recent changes to the BBC I Player (thanks BBC, what about all the UK 
> expats around the world!). I would be most grateful if you could 
> somehow work around this problem and restore the ability to listen to 
> downloads of the BBC while overseas.
> Thanks, Tim
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