On Thu, 2014-11-06 at 09:18 +0000, Owen Smith wrote:
> To give more detail, I meant create a branch, check the file out, test
> your change, check change in to your own branch, then send details of
> the branch to the master maintainers to see if they want to accept the
> change (which seems to be a git pull request or similar), and if they
> do they merge that branch back in. 

Right. It's not a branch in the master repository, as Colin says,
because people don't have access to that. But with a distributed version
control system such as git, a 'branch' is fairly much interchangeable
for most purposes with a completely separate clone of the repository
elsewhere. You can happily push/pull code between them.

> I wouldn't expect anyone, even dinkypumpkin, to do day to day work on
> the top level master codestream.

We don't. The master is out there on a server. We do the work on our
*local* clone, and we test, and only then do we push it back out to the

It isn't like CVS/SVN and other legacy systems where your "commit" goes
directly to the server and is immediately visible to everyone. The
distributed model doesn't work like that. You commit *locally* and it's
only visible to the public when you push it to the server (or someone
pulls it for you).

> But patches seem so backwards. Source control systems do the job so
> much better.

For long sequences of patches, perhaps. But in many cases I *prefer* to
receive a patch in email. After all, the first thing I see is usually an
email anyway — even if it's just an email saying "please pull from...".

So why not put the actual patch *in* the email, with its commit comment
and everything in the standard layout. When I read the email it has
everything *right* there. I can read the comment and the patch and make
a decision, and if there's something I don't like then I can easily cite
the 'offending' part of the patch in my email reply. And if I *do* want
to apply it, it's trivial for me to save the email to a file and then
apply it.

That's much easier than having to click and bring up a web browser or
something and go off looking at a remote git repository.

Of course, all these things are subjective and some people will have
different preferences. But that's why *I* still want to see patches in a
lot of cases.


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