On Mon, 2014-11-10 at 14:34 +0000, Charles Johnson wrote:
> On 10/11/14 11:23, David Woodhouse wrote:
> > > It's default smart reply is reply to list, and there is seemingly no 
> > > option to change that.
> I don't quite know if there's such a thing as a 'smart reply' but when i
> click the Reply button in Thunderbird, up comes David Woodhouse (who
> sent this) as addressee. The same thing happens when i hit Ctrl+R, so a
> more fitting term would probably be 'default reply'.  I then added the
> list address manually so you can all see this

I was intrigued by this so I actually installed Thunderbird (31.2.0) to
test it.

If I right-click on a message in the folder index I get a context menu
with *all* of the available choices:
 'Reply to Sender Only'
 'Reply to All'
 'Reply to List'.

For a mail received from this list, they all do as expected:

Choosing 'Reply to All' will compose a reply which is To: the sender of
the original message, and has all the other recipients (including the
list) in Cc. This is the correct thing to use in all cases if you want
to reply in public.

Selecting 'Reply to List' will send a message *only* to the list. As
discussed, if it's a message which was posted to more than one list then
the *other* lists will be dropped and it'll go back *only* to the list
through which you happened to receive *this* copy of the message.

And finally, choosing 'Reply to Sender Only' will do precisely that in
normal circumstances. However, on a list which is configured to have an
abusive Reply-To: header, that will actually hijack the private reply to
go to the list too. So on such a list you have *no* easy way to reply
privately. That choice has been taken away from you, because the list
administrator thought you were too dim to press the right button at the
right time. Evolution has an option to ignore those Reply-To: headers
and make its reply functions all do what you actually asked for.
Thunderbird unfortunately seems to lack such an option.

In addition to the context menu, Thunderbird also has one or two buttons
in the message view. The first is simply entitled 'Reply' and it is the
default private reply function, equivalent to 'Reply to Sender Only'

The second button is what people are calling the 'smart reply', because
its behaviour changes according to the message you're viewing. It's
actually a drop-down list with different choices, much like the
Evolution one which is shown at the very bottom of
http://david.woodhou.se/reply-to-list.html — you can just press it and
get the default behaviour, or you can choose precisely what you want it
to do by using the down-arrow next to it.

On a simple direct email where I am the *only* recipient, the 'smart'
reply button doesn't exist at all. There's no point in any 'Reply All'
or 'Reply List' on such an email; the only person I could possibly reply
to is the sender, privately. So there's only the private 'Reply' button.

On a mail which didn't arrive via a list (e.g. the copy which lands in
my INBOX rather than the list folder), the 'smart' reply button actually
does the right thing which is 'Reply All'.

On a mail which arrived via a mailing list, the default choice for the
so-called 'smart' reply button will be 'Reply List'. Unfortunately, I
can't see any way to correct this bad default in Thunderbird's settings,
but you *can* still select 'Reply All' from the drop-down.

Hopefully this makes it a little clearer what is going on, and why I am
so adamant that the 'Reply-To: list' hack is such a horrid thing to do,
only beneficial to the people who can't be bothered to press the right
damn button to do what they want.


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