This probably explains why I only get one copy even when people reply to my 
posts. My email provider (Aluminati) probably does the same filtering of two 
copies in my inbox down to one. I didn't realise this is at all common.

Owen Smith <>
Cambridge, UK

On 10 Nov 2014, at 17:36, Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer 
<> wrote:

> David Woodhouse <> wrote:
>> On Sat, 2014-11-08 at 23:54 +0000, Square Penguin wrote:
>>> Quick question - how do you deal with CC's in your inbox and duplicate 
>>> messages in mailing list folders (assuming you filter to folders)? 
>>> Simply ignore the duplicates or do you have a filtering/deletion scheme 
>>> in place?
>> I get a copy in the list folder, and a copy in my inbox.
> Lucky you.  (I mean it.)  I found recently that this doesn't happen for me;
> it's not a (local) mail client problem but instead my mail provider (AAISP)
> whose system detects two copies of the same mail being delivered to the same
> mailbox on their server, and stores only one copy.  My POP3 collection then
> only collects that single copy. 
> To get both I'd need to define filter rules on their server to route
> personal mails to one server mailbox and list mails to another mailbox, then
> fetch from both.  
> And even then, if eg someone CCed something to two different personal
> addresses of mine, those would be routed to the same server mailbox, and I'd
> only get one copy.  I'm not wildly happy about that...  
> If I had just one or two email addresses I might be willing to have a
> mailbox for each one... but I don't.  I've hundreds of addresses, and I do
> not want the hassle of having to define matching mailboxes for each of them.
> The mails in this thread that people have thoughtfully CCed to me personally
> have arrived, but the mail-list ones have not.
> -- 
> Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.
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