On 10/04/15 19:02, C E Macfarlane wrote:
> Fourth attempt, here are some suggestions/requests for features ...

It might well be because the IP of the mail server you are sending through is
listed in multiple RBLs:


Get them to improve their policy with preventing spam coming through them, and
if they don't, change mail provider.

> 6)    A command-line option to change the rtmpdump timeout default, currently
> hardcoded to 10  -  I am having to use 100 because of the slowness and
> flakiness of my internet connection, still unfixed by BT after reported as a
> fault a month ago.

You can already do this by invoking get_iplayer with e.g.:
  --rtmp-tv-opts '--timeout 60' --rtmp-radio-opts '--timeout 60'

I expect you can probably use --prefs-add to make these options permanent.


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