I don't think you'll see a better summary of the situation than this.
And yes, I realise the irony of copying and pasting an entire
advertising-funded page, but when the advert covers the entire page
and makes the article unreadable then I think it's fair use! (see
http://tinypic.com/r/15fxxf/9 )

Original article here:
(warning: contains a swear which I've starred out here in case the
list rejects is)

PEOPLE with an absurd sense of entitlement will no longer be able to
watch BBC iPlayer for free, the broadcaster has confirmed.

The broadcaster closed the loophole, which allowed people access to
billions of pounds worth of entertainment for free, yesterday after a
high-level decision that those people could go f**k themselves.

Craft beer ambassador Tom Booker said: “I don’t own a television, I
don’t have a television aerial on the chimney of my house, I don’t
even have a house. I’m contemporary.

“So when I’m watching Bake-Off ironically on my MacBook I shouldn’t be
liable for any licence fee, because what I am doing is completely
different and cooler.

“YouTube’s free, and I don’t see the distinction between high-quality
content by a broadcasting organisation which is the envy of the world
and blurred smartphone footage of teenagers punching each other’s

“Where does this end? Paying for music?”

A BBC spokesman said: “We’ve got Attenborough, you whiny bitches, so pay up.”

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