>What does it mean if the shorter M4A/AAC files play but longer ones don't, 
>because that is the situation I have? I can get the files to play if I run 
>mp4box, which introduces 500ms interleaving, but only for files up to about 
>Do you have any suggestions for multiplexers which work better with problem 
Probably it means that your hardware player is very picky about how the aac is 
Not as lenient as the software players such as VLC.

I am able to play m4a files up to 30 minutes duration when muxed with 
mp4creator program.

Create a 30 minute "raw aac" test file with FFmpeg...
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i sine=d=1800 -y 1800_testfile.aac

Mux it into m4a with mp4creator...
mp4creator -create=1800_testfile.aac 1800_testfile.m4a

See if it plays OK.

mp4creator is here ---> 

It works with Linux and Wine too...
~ $ wine ./mp4creator.exe -version
Z:\home\user\mp4creator.exe - mpeg4ip version 1.6.1e-pre

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