On 14/10/2019 18:08, Budge wrote:

This is what I get:-

alastair@install:~> get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=b01r1vt2 --tag-only
get_iplayer v3.22, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
   This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
   conditions; use --conditions for details.

Composer of the Week - George Frideric Handel (1685-1759), Handel and
his Italian Patrons, BBC Radio 3, b01r1vt2
INFO: 1 total programmes

WARNING: No media streams found for requested programme versions and
recording modes.

get_iplayer --pid b01r1vt2 --info
displays a lot of metadata including longdesc.  That suggests

1. Vangelis is right that the online sources for metadata stay there for good.

2. get_iplayer is able to retrieve metadata even when all streams for a programme have ceased to be available.

If get_iplayer is able to retrieve metadata, it can pass it to Atomic Parsley for tagging or re-tagging.

The wiki states,
"Re-tagging files

Metadata tags can be added (or re-added) to existing files with the --tag-only option. Use --pid to identify the programme whose metadata is to be used and --tag-only-filename to identify the file to modify."

Yours is not the only example of a "No media streams" warning when trying to tag or re-tag a file when the streams have ceased to be avaialable. There are much more recent examples.
get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=m00076mg --tag-only
and for tv
get_iplayer  --pid=b0b123j5 --tag-only
show similar warnings. This would appear to be a bug. As shown above, --info shows that the streams are not needed to retrieve the metadata for tagging. get_iplayer is checking for the existence of streams when it does not need to.

You do need to give it a .mp4 or .m4a file to tag. As far as I can make out, if the file still has the same name and path as when it was downloaded and converted to .mp4 or .m4a there is no need to specify --tag-only-filename. If you do specify it, the file name and path you specify must exist. The "Cannot tag missing file:" warning is telling you that the file does not exist.

Best wishes

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