J K.Eason wrote:
> but there's still no way of GIP accessing that live iplayer feed, whether 
> truly live or delayed.

The iPlayer live channels are streamed via HLS the same as VOD content.  If you 
find and open, say, the HLS stream for BBC One in a player which supports 
seeking, you'll be able to rewind it just fine.  As such, GiP could do the same 

However, I don't see why you would want this.  GiP doesn't allow you to watch 
or record live programs at the moment, full-stop, which seems like a logical 
prerequisite to adding rewind/fast-forward.  I don't have the statistics on 
this, but it seems like programs lasting longer than, say, 120 minutes are the 
exception rather than the norm.  In most cases, you can just wait for the 
program to finish and have it appear on the iPlayer within minutes.  This is 
different to how things used to be, with it sometimes taking multiple hours (or 
days!) for the iPlayer to have a copy of a broadcast.


James Scholes

On 12/04/2021 at 1:44 pm, J K.Eason wrote:
>> *From:* George Eycott <geo...@eycott.co.uk>
>> *To:* get_iplayer@lists.infradead.org
>> *Date:* Mon, 12 Apr 2021 19:29:57 +0100
>> > None at all. That buffer is purely a function of your Smart TV 
>> > and is nothing to do with the BBC.
>> Actually that is not the case nowadays, there is a two hour 
>> "buffer" built into IPlayer. To see it in action go to Iplayer on
>> the BBC website, pick a channel and choose to watch it live. You can
>> then go back up to two hours.
>> This means that on a smart TV for example you can go back up to two 
>> hours without it needing to have been on that multiplex (or even
>> turned  on) for the time covered by the buffer.
>> Things have moved on since the days of the Tivo method of pausing 
>> live tv!
> Ok. I stand corrected on that one but there's still no way of GIP
> accessing that live iplayer feed, whether truly live or delayed. 

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