Please indulge my OT question but some on this list are far better qualified to answer.

My problem is trying to play music to a large and oddly shaped room which is mainly circular with a conical ceiling and masonry walls in which two loudspeakers are not sufficient.

Leaving aside the complexities of multi-channel systems for now and just considering a normal stereo signal, how may I achieve channel separation and playing on different sides of the room.

There is power available at all the locations where a speaker might be placed but absolutely no way any cables can be trailed between speakers.  In other words I need a wireless system with in-built amplifiers.  I am assuming Bluetooth but could use wifi. The problem as I see it is that I only want one channel at each speaker.

Of course I could just use a combined mono signal and that may be the answer but hope some here will have better ideas and if multi channel is feasible I would welcome further advice.

Regards to all after long periods of absence from these pages,


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