Dear Tetsuo,

I see that you have removed 2 redundant loops, but I think the same
simplification can be applied to several places in your code.

For example, you have removed 1 loop here
[image: image.png]
why not writing all these lines as a single line
            size += psl->simplexes(ic).size() * int((val.dim()+1) *
without loops and without the intermediate variable s?

I think, the same applies to several locations of your code.

Best regards

On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 1:35 AM Tetsuo Koyama <> wrote:

> Dear Kostas
> Thanks for your review. I fixed the expression of for loop.
> Could you review the branch again?
> Best Regard
> Tetsuo
> 2020年12月28日(月) 1:35 Konstantinos Poulios <>:
>> Dear Tetsuo,
>> Thanks for the quick action. Is there any programmatic reason for writing
>>           for (const auto &val : s)
>>             for (size_type j=0; j < val.dim()+1; ++j)
>>               size += int(sizeof(int));
>> instead of
>>           size += int(s.size()*(val.dim()+1)*sizeof(int));
>> ?
>> If not, I would recommend avoiding redundant loops.
>> Best regards
>> Kostas
>> On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 12:18 PM Tetsuo Koyama <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Kostas
>>> Thank you for reporting the bug of export_to_vtu.It is the error of
>>> write_dataset_ method.
>>> I fixed it in the devel-tetsuo-fix-export-vtu branch.
>>> Could you merge it?
>>> I also fixed the error of exporting in the Slice object.
>>> All I checked about this method is in
>>> ./interface/tests/python/
>>> Sorry for my bug.
>>> Best Regard Tetsuo
>>> 2020年12月27日(日) 8:00 Tetsuo Koyama <>:
>>>> Dear Kostas
>>>> Thanks a lot for your example.
>>>> And thank you for reporting about vtu exporting.
>>>> I could reproduce the message.
>>>> I will check why it happens.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Tetsuo
>>>> 2020年12月27日(日) 6:22 Konstantinos Poulios <>:
>>>>> Dear Tetsuo
>>>>> I have recently uploaded an example with an axisymmetric uniaxial
>>>>> tension simulation under the contrib folder. You can try it if you like. 
>>>>> By
>>>>> the way I have also noticed that when I use your vtu export functions,
>>>>> instead of vtk, in that file, I get a corrupted vtu output. Paraview
>>>>> complains with:
>>>>> [image: image.png]
>>>>> Maybe you could check that as well.
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Kostas
>>>>> On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 5:44 AM Tetsuo Koyama <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Kostas
>>>>>> Thank you for your email.
>>>>>> I was impressed that GWFL can do it. I will try it.
>>>>>> And I was also impressed that we can express  hyperelastic material.
>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>> Tetsuo
>>>>>> 2020年12月17日(木) 22:16 Konstantinos Poulios <>:
>>>>>>> Dear Tetsuo
>>>>>>> GWFL can do this. Here is an example of modelling a hyperelastic
>>>>>>> material in an axisymmetric problem:
>>>>>>> md.add_initialized_data("K", E/(3.*(1.-2.*nu))) # Bulk modulus
>>>>>>> md.add_initialized_data("mu", E/(2*(1+nu)))     # Shear modulus
>>>>>>> md.add_macro("F", "Id(2)+Grad_u")
>>>>>>> #md.add_macro("F3d",
>>>>>>> "[1+Grad_u(1,1),Grad_u(1,2),0;Grad_u(2,1),1+Grad_u(2,2),0;0,0,1]")
>>>>>>> md.add_macro("F3d",
>>>>>>> "Id(3)+[0,0,0;0,0,0;0,0,1/X(1)]*u(1)+[1,0;0,1;0,0]*Grad_u*[1,0,0;0,1,0]")
>>>>>>> md.add_macro("J", "Det(F)*(1+u(1)/X(1))")
>>>>>>> md.add_macro("devlogbe", "Deviator(Logm(Left_Cauchy_Green(F3d)))")
>>>>>>> md.add_macro("tauH", "K*log(J)")
>>>>>>> md.add_nonlinear_generic_assembly_brick(mim,
>>>>>>> "2*pi*X(1)*((tauH*Id(2)+tauD2d):(Grad_Test_u*Inv(F))+(tauH+tauD33)/(X(1)+u(1))*Test_u(1))")
>>>>>>> Could you try if this works for you?
>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>> Kostas
>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 11:09 AM Tetsuo Koyama <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear getfem users.
>>>>>>>> Excuse me for my frequent questions.
>>>>>>>> I would like to solve the problem of axisymmetric elements in
>>>>>>>> cylindrical coordinate.
>>>>>>>> I tried to use a GWFL to simulate a two-dimensional mesh as a mesh
>>>>>>>> of axisymmetric elements, but I couldn't. As you know, Grad and Div are
>>>>>>>> different for cartesian coordinate and cylindrical coordinate systems.
>>>>>>>> Is there a good way to solve this problem?
>>>>>>>> Best Tetsuo.

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