Dear Esin,

You got already some hints but, but try to address one issue at the time as
they may appear. For now, it is clear that you have a very fundamental
issue. The error message shows that you did not manage to use the correct
C++ compiler or compiler version. What the configure script finds on your
system is certainly not g++-10. I do not have experience with compiling on
MacOS but, in general I would not recommend you to use aliases.
It is OK to use the CXX, CC and FC environment variables as Michel Furnie
suggested. Just don't get into the mumps stuff that Michel discussed, yet.
You are not close to that point yet. If you manage to compile GetFEM
without mumps, then we can help you including mumps later.

Best regards

On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 10:43 PM Esin B Sozer <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been trying to compile getfem 5.4.1 for a week now and I am out of
> ideas what to do, having read everything I can in the documentation and
> email list. I am a beginner in the command line usage and other developer
> environments. My experience for many years have been using MATLAB for any
> coding needs, so I know the problem I face must be very basic.
> I used homebrew to update my g++ compiler to the latest version (located
> at /usr/local/bin/) and went through the steps of installing m4,
> automake,libtool, and python tools. I also did alias g++ g++-10. This is
> what I get when I run ./configure in the source file directory:
> "checking whether the compiler recognizes the partial specialization
> syntax... yes
> you are compiling GetFEM on a x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0
> Configured with: --prefix=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr
> --with-gxx-include-dir=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.15.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
> Using the GNU g++ compiler version
> checking whether g++ accepts -O3... no
> checking whether g++ accepts -fmessage-length=0... no
> checking whether g++ accepts -fvisibility-inlines-hidden... no
> checking whether g++ accepts -ftemplate-depth-100... no
> checking whether g++ accepts -std=c++14... no
> checking whether g++ accepts -std=c++0x... no
> configure: error: g++ do not support option -std=c++14. Update g++ to at
> least release 4.9"
> It looks like there is some prefix configuration I get I don't know how to
> modify, but I am not sure if that is the problem.
> I appreciate any help!!
> Thank  you
> Esin

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