
All running now :-) I just removed the -lmsvcr140

gcc -shared -s ./Release/getfem_python_c.o ./Release/_getfem.cp38-win_amd64.def 
-L../.libs -L../../../src/.libs -LC:/Users/m.frydman/Anaconda3/libs 
-LC:/Users/m.frydman/Anaconda3/PCbuild/amd64 -lgetfemint -lgetfem -lsmumps 
-ldmumps -lcmumps -lzmumps -lmumps_common -lmpiseq -lpord -lqhullstatic 
-lsuperlu -lsuperlu -llapack -lblas -lgfortran -lstdc++ -lm -lpython38 -o 

After that, returned to the getfem folder and run make and make check
Testsuite summary for getfem 5.4.1
# TOTAL: 12
# PASS:  11
# SKIP:  0
# XFAIL: 0
# FAIL:  1
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 0

It is a very good and complete code. I am particularly interested on 
understanding stress distribution in Vaca Muerta formation (tectonically 
stressed shale reservoir). Vaca Muerta cannot be evaluated with traditional 
models or on the basis of planar vertical fractures and simple relationships 
between isotropic elastic properties, far-field stresses, and mechanical 
properties. GetFem may have the required elements (coupled poroelastoplastic, 
TIV rock, ... ) to move forward to a more realistic numerical representation.  
I will keep you posted.

Thanks again for all the support.

Kind regards,


Marcelo Frydman, Ph.D.
Mobile: +54.911.2185.7887
Email: mfrydm...@outlook.com<mailto:mfrydm...@outlook.com>

From: Yves Renard <yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr>
Sent: viernes, 2 de julio de 2021 04:42
To: Marcelo Frydman <mfrydm...@outlook.com>; getfem-users@nongnu.org
Subject: Re: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_getfem'

Dear Marcelo,

Yes, this is embarassing. The libraries to be linked could indeed evolve and I 
did'nt experience this for quite a long time on Windows.

You could try to run the link command in the directory interface/src/python 
without the -lmsvcr140 option, this could work, but this could also end with 
some missing references. In that case, the problem is to find the convenient 
library containing the references, which could be a bit tricky.

Best regards,


Le 01/07/2021 à 16:22, Marcelo Frydman a écrit :

Thanks again for all your support. I set the variables with:
export PYTHONPATH="C:/Users/m.frydman/Anaconda3"
export PYTHON="C:/Users/m.frydman/Anaconda3/python"

I ran the configure again with:
./configure --with-blas="-lblas -lgfortran" --disable-superlu

The configure could set the proper path for Python this time:
checking for python3.8... C:/Users/m.frydman/Anaconda3/python
checking for a version of Python >= '2.1.0'... yes
checking for the distutils Python package... yes
checking for Python include path... -IC:\Users\m.frydman\Anaconda3\include
checking for Python library path... -LC:\Users\m.frydman\Anaconda3\Lib 
checking for Python site-packages path... 
checking python extra libraries... None None
checking python extra linking flags... None

Ready to build getfem
  building MATLAB interface: NO
  building OCTAVE interface: NO
  building PYTHON interface: YES (requires numpy, scipy and also mpi4py for the 
parallel version)
  building SCILAB interface: NO
  If you want to build the shared library of GetFEM, use --enable-shared
  (by default, only the static one will be built)

I ran a make clean and make to start all over.
make clean

However, a new error while compiling the Python interface.
C:\msys64\mingw64\bin\gcc.exe -shared -s .\Release\getfem_python_c.o 
.\Release\_getfem.cp38-win_amd64.def -L../.libs -L../../../src/.libs 
-LC:\Users\m.frydman\Anaconda3\PCbuild\amd64 -lgetfemint -lgetfem -lsmumps 
-ldmumps -lcmumps -lzmumps -lmumps_common -lmpiseq -lpord -lqhullstatic 
-lsuperlu -lsuperlu -llapack -lblas -lgfortran -lstdc++ -lm -lpython38 
-lmsvcr140 -o .\_getfem.cp38-win_amd64.pyd
 cannot find -lmsvcr140
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
error: command 'C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin\\gcc.exe' failed with exit status 1

I tried to find any library/DLL with msvcr140, but I haven't. Please help!



From: Yves Renard <yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr><mailto:yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr>
Sent: miércoles, 30 de junio de 2021 10:31
To: Marcelo Frydman <mfrydm...@outlook.com><mailto:mfrydm...@outlook.com>
Cc: getfem-users@nongnu.org<mailto:getfem-users@nongnu.org>
Subject: Re: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_getfem'

Dear Marcelo,

Yes, Python is detected from the migw64 so that the interface will be build for 
this version.
The problem should be that the dynamic library build is not compatible with 
Python from Anaconda
(In that case, you should be able to run a python script which call GetFEM from 
the Python of migw64)

May be you can try to run the configure script with the option

Best regards,


Le 29/06/2021 à 17:56, Marcelo Frydman a écrit :

Please see below the end note from the configure script. It is suggesting 
Python is detected.

Libraries Used:

- QD library not found (don't worry, this library is only recommended for very 
specific uses).
- Qhull found. Using the Qhull library for delaunay triangulations.
- Mumps found. A direct solver for large sparse linear systems.
- Lapack library found: -llapack
- BLAS library found. Link options: -lblas -lgfortran
  You can give the location of your prefered blas library with either
  the --with-blas=<lib> option, or the BLAS_LIBS environment variable
  for example: ./configure BLAS_LIBS="-L/usr/lib/sse2/atlas/ -lblas"
  Use blas with 32 bits integers

Ready to build getfem
  building MATLAB interface: NO
  building OCTAVE interface: NO
  building PYTHON interface: YES (requires numpy, scipy and also mpi4py for the 
parallel version)
  building SCILAB interface: NO
  If you want to build the shared library of GetFEM, use --enable-shared
  (by default, only the static one will be built)

However, if you for the specific python check (see below), the Python from 
migw64 is the one used, not from Anaconda.

checking for python... /mingw64/bin/python
checking for python version... 3.8
checking for python platform... win32
checking for python script directory... ${prefix}/lib/python3.8/site-packages
checking for python extension module directory... 
Building with python (/mingw64/bin/python) support (use --enable-python=no to 
disable it)
You will need the python-numpy and python-scipy packages.
checking for python3.8... (cached) /mingw64/bin/python
checking for a version of Python >= '2.1.0'... yes
checking for the distutils Python package... yes
checking for Python include path... -IC:/msys64/mingw64/include/python3.8
checking for Python library path... -LC:/msys64/mingw64/lib/python3.8 
checking for Python site-packages path... 
checking python extra libraries... -lws2_32 -lm -lversion -lshlwapi
checking python extra linking flags...

Thanks again,


From: Yves Renard <yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr><mailto:yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr>
Sent: martes, 29 de junio de 2021 12:44
To: Marcelo Frydman <mfrydm...@outlook.com><mailto:mfrydm...@outlook.com>
Cc: getfem-users@nongnu.org<mailto:getfem-users@nongnu.org>
Subject: Re: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_getfem'

Dear Marcelo,

If the python installation is correct, it should be detected by the configure 
script. When you run the configure script, at the end, it should be noted that 
python is detected. Is it the case ?

Best regards,


Le 29/06/2021 à 15:05, Marcelo Frydman a écrit :

Thank you very much for your ready answer. Please see below the PYTHONPATH and 
Environment set in Spyder/Anaconda.

There wasn't any _getfem.* created during the compilation process. I am not 
sure I am building the Pyhton interface properly. There was a step:

Install Anaconda2 and add to windows path C:\install_dir\Anaconda2 and 
C:\install_dir\Anaconda2\Scripts where install_dir is the installation 
directory of Anaconda2 (ProgramData by default for a system installation)
I am not sure what does it mean. Do I need to set these variables elsewhere in 
MSYS before building the Pyhton interface? Any problem with the PYTHONPATH set?

Thanks again,



From: Yves Renard <yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr><mailto:yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr>
Sent: martes, 29 de junio de 2021 04:28
To: Marcelo Frydman <mfrydm...@outlook.com><mailto:mfrydm...@outlook.com>; 
Subject: Re: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_getfem'

Dear Marcelo,

Did you set the PYTHONPATH variable after building the interface ?

Best regards,


Le 28/06/2021 à 20:57, Marcelo Frydman a écrit :
Dear GetFem users,

I have just installed Getfem on Windows (Msys). I have followed the 
instructions on: http://getfem.org/install/install_windows.html
The compilation process was working fine, without major issue. I ran "make 
check" before building the Pyhton interface, and got a positive message:

Testsuite summary for getfem 5.4.1
# TOTAL: 41
# PASS:  41
# SKIP:  0
# XFAIL: 0
# FAIL:  0
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 0

However, Python interface is not working. I ran "make check" for the Pyhton 

FAIL: check_export.py
FAIL: check_global_functions.py
FAIL: check_asm.py
FAIL: check_secondary_domain.py
FAIL: check_mixed_mesh.py
FAIL: demo_wave.py
FAIL: demo_wave_equation.py
FAIL: demo_laplacian.py
FAIL: demo_laplacian_HHO.py
FAIL: demo_elasticity_HHO.py
FAIL: demo_thermo_elasticity_electrical_coupling.py
FAIL: check_levelset.py
Testsuite summary for getfem 5.4.1
# TOTAL: 12
# PASS:  0
# SKIP:  0
# XFAIL: 0
# FAIL:  12
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 0
See interface/tests/python/test-suite.log

I tried to run one of the examples in Spyder, and got the following error:

Python 3.8.10 (default, May 19 2021, 13:12:57) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 7.22.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\msys64\home\m.frydman\getfem\interface\src\python\getfem.py", line 
45, in <module>
    from ._getfem import *

ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\msys64\home\m.frydman\getfem\interface\src\python\getfem.py", line 
47, in <module>
    from _getfem import *

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_getfem'

Looking forward to start having fun with GetFem.




  Yves Renard (yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr<mailto:yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr>)       
tel : (33)


  20, rue Albert Einstein

  69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE




  Yves Renard (yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr<mailto:yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr>)       
tel : (33)


  20, rue Albert Einstein

  69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE




  Yves Renard (yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr<mailto:yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr>)       
tel : (33)


  20, rue Albert Einstein

  69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE




  Yves Renard (yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr<mailto:yves.ren...@insa-lyon.fr>)       
tel : (33)


  20, rue Albert Einstein

  69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE



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