Dear All,

I tried to calculate the electrical flow through a mesh region,
like \int_{\Gamma} F(x)\cdot n\ d\sigma.
After some trials I found a working way by means of "gf.asm_generic", see
the code here below:

Electrical _current = gf.asm_generic(mim, 0, '-sigma*Grad_V.Normal',
MeshRegion, 'V', 1, mf, dataV)

Question_1: is this method correct or is there any other way to perform
this kind of calculation?

Then, since it is a calculation performed on a Dirichlet region, I
wanted to do the same calculation integrating the Lagrange multiplier. I
tried the same technique but the result of the integration is NaN, probably
because the multiplier variable has less DOF than MeshFem.

Question_2: How can I perform this integration?

Thank you in advance.

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