On Sat, 5 Feb 2000, Andreas Beck wrote:

> > One library that does not use LibGGI and does not know about visuals.
> > It should dynamicly load readers/writers for different image formats,
> > and read images into/write imaghes from it's own simple structure
> > (basicly just width, height, format and a pointer to the data). 
> Please not. Optionally yes, but don't load images into memory without need.
> A callback oriented approach would be much better. I've been bitten by that
> "oh, just put it in memory" concept too many times ...

On the flip side, MMAP (file) is your friend.  Although never buffered...
(I've read the docs :)

... though just making an (access[block]) callback should do.  After all,
the data could be stored in:
        - A normal file (FILE* opers)
        - a >2GB file (64bit file-ops in Linux; normal FILE* in NT; ???)
        - a database record....  ie: BLOBs
        - A subchunk within a larger file (embedded WWW for example)
        - Another machine...  (more later :)

There's others too.

> Adding a few simple "example-callbacks" that render into such a structure or
> a LibGGI visual can give the same ease of use if desired, but without
> straining my swap, if I don't want that.

Hah!  Perfect :)

> > It should also be able to convert images between different formats.
> That could be done by chaining a load and a save call appropriately.

yep :)
Works in practice.  Though I haven't used this in... uh... years.
Used it on a few -large- 3D-files...  And use it now on databases.

> > The second library should be a simple glue-layer between the first
> > library an LibGGI. The reason to make two libraries that a generic
> > image loader/writer that is _not_ tied to any graphics/window system
> > is badly needed, and the first library will be just that.
> Yep.

All right already.  Where's the code? :)

G'day, eh? :)
        - Teunis

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