On 9 April 2014 17:53, Karel Gardas <karel.gar...@centrum.cz> wrote:

> Ben Gamari (cced) documented it well here: http://bgamari.github.io/
> posts/2014-03-06-compiling-ghc-7.8-on-arm.html
> Looks like the issue is caused by binutils' linker while fixed in gold.

Thanks a lot, Karel!  I will try Ben's hack later.

I am still surprised that RC2 builds fine on ARM (I re-verified that
yesterday [1]) but not final 7.8.1.
Were there some late ARM or linking changes that cause this now?

On 04/ 9/14 10:21 AM, Jens Petersen wrote:
>>     dll-split: internal error: evacuate(static): strange closure type 0

    See http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=6719940 for

>     I reproduced this two times now. RC2 built okay on ARM so I am not
>>     sure what changed.
[1]  http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=6720331
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