Tuncer Ayaz <tuncer.a...@gmail.com> writes:

> On 23 January 2016 at 18:16, Herbert Valerio Riedel wrote:
>> On 2016-01-23 at 17:58:12 +0100, Tuncer Ayaz wrote:
>> [...]
>> > My suggestion, and what I'd expect, is to make Shake part of GHC's
>> > included lib, just like process or xhtml.
>> please don't; the only reason we include process and xhtml because
>> we *have* to. The less we *have* to bundle, the better.
> If there's a good way in 8.x (with new Cabal and Shake) to avoid
> bundling, while using Shake for ghc --make, then I'm all for it. My
> concern is that it has to be as simple as it's currently to install
> ghc on a random Linux distro, in order for someone to use a Shakefile.
> I want more Shakefile users :).

I'm not sure I follow. Edward's --make support is a front-end plugin;
as far as I know there has been no discussion of shipping it with
GHC-proper. It merely makes use of the new front-end plugin facility.
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something here?


- Ben

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