I have a side question and some possible alternate views on a couple things.

The first is: is the fancy type of ($) actually used? It has additional
special type checking behavior that isn't captured in that type
(impredicative instantiation), but probably in a separate code path. Does
that only happen when it's saturated or something, and this is for partial

Second, it seems like () being overloaded is exactly like type classes, and
(->) is less clearly in that camp (it seems more like a gadt). Just, we
don't have classes at the level necessary to handle ().

-- Dan
On Feb 5, 2016 8:49 AM, "Richard Eisenberg" <e...@cis.upenn.edu> wrote:

> As the instigator of these most recent changes:
> - Yes, absolutely, ($)'s type is quite ugly. In other areas, I've tried to
> hide the newfound complexity in the type system behind flags, but I missed
> this one. I consider the current output to be a bug.
> - It's conceivable to have a flag -fdefault-levity, on by default, which
> looks for levity polymorphism while printing and instantiates all levity
> variables to Lifted before printing. That would fix the type of ($). Of
> course, users could specify -fno-default-levity. Would this make you happy?
> - There's a real drawback to flags like -fdefault-levity (and, relatedly,
> -fprint-explicit-kinds, -fprint-explicit-foralls,
> -fprint-explicit-coercions, -fprint-equality-relations; the last two are
> new in 8.0): they hide things from unsuspecting users. We already get a
> steady trickle of bug reports stemming from confusion around hidden kinds.
> Users diligently try to make a minimal test case and then someone has to
> point out that the user is wrong. It's a waste of time and, I'm sure, is
> frustrating for users. I'm worried about this problem getting worse.
> - It's interesting that the solution to the two problems Takenobu pulls
> out below (but others have hinted at in this thread) is by having an
> alternate Prelude for beginners. I believe that having an alternate
> beginners' Prelude is becoming essential. I know I'm not the first one to
> suggest this, but a great many issues that teachers of Haskell have raised
> with me and posts on this and other lists would be solved by an alternate
> Prelude for beginners.
> - Separate from a full alternate Prelude, and as Iavor suggested, we could
> just have two ($) operators: a simple one with no baked-in magic or levity
> polymorphism, and then a levity-polymorphic, sneakily impredicative one.
> This would be dead easy.
> - Edward is right in that (->) isn't really levity-polymorphic. Well, it
> is, but it's ad hoc polymorphism not parametric polymorphism. Perhaps in
> the future we'll make this more robust by actually using type-classes to
> control it, as we probably should.
> - The case with (->) is different than that with (). (() :: Constraint)
> and (() :: *) are wholly unrelated types. () is not
> constraintyness-polymorphic. It's just that we have two wholly unrelated
> types that happen to share a spelling. So there are hacks in the compiler
> to disambiguate. Sometimes these hacks do the wrong thing. If we had
> type-directed name resolution (which I'm not proposing to have!), this
> would get resolved nicely.
> - The reason that the foralls get printed in ($)'s type is that kind
> variables appear in the type variables' kinds. GHC thinks that printing the
> foralls are useful in this case and does so without a flag. This is not
> directly related to the levity piece. If you say `:t Proxy`, you'll get
> similar behavior.
> Bottom line: We *need* an alternate Prelude. But that won't happen for
> 8.0. So in the meantime, I propose -fdefault-levity, awaiting your approval.
> Richard
> On Feb 5, 2016, at 8:16 AM, Takenobu Tani <takenobu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'll worry about the learning curve of beginners.
> Maybe, beginners will try following session in their 1st week.
>   ghci> :t foldr
>   ghci> :t ($)
> They'll get following result.
> Before ghc7.8:
>   Prelude> :t foldr
>   foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
>   Prelude> :t ($)
>   ($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
>   Beginners should only understand about following:
>     * type variable (polymorphism)
> After ghc8.0:
>   Prelude> :t foldr
>   foldr :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
>   Prelude> :t ($)
>   ($)
>     :: forall (w :: GHC.Types.Levity) a (b :: TYPE w).
>        (a -> b) -> a -> b
>   Beginners should understand about following things, more:
>     * higher order polymorphism (t m)
>     * type class (class t =>)
>     * universal quantification (forall)
>     * kind (type::kind)
>     * levity (lifted/unlifted)
> I think it's harder in their 1st week.
> I tried to draw informal illustrations about Foldable,
> but beginners may need ghci-beginner’s mode or something?
> Sorry I don't still have good idea.
> Of course I like Haskell's abstraction :)
> Regards,
> Takenobu
> 2016-02-05 18:19 GMT+09:00 Joachim Breitner <m...@joachim-breitner.de>:
>> Hi,
>> Am Freitag, den 05.02.2016, 09:22 +0200 schrieb Roman Cheplyaka:
>> > On 02/05/2016 01:31 AM, Edward Z. Yang wrote:
>> > > I'm not really sure how you would change the type of 'id' based on
>> > > a language pragma.
>> > >
>> > > How do people feel about a cosmetic fix, where we introduce a new
>> > > pragma, {-# LANGUAGE ShowLevity #-} which controls the display of
>> > > levity
>> > > arguments/TYPE.  It's off by default but gets turned on by some
>> > > extensions like MagicHash (i.e. we only show levity if you have
>> > > enabled extensions where the distinction matters).
>> >
>> > Yes, I am surprised this isn't the way it's been done. The levity
>> > arguments should totally be hidden unless requested explicitly.
>> >
>> > I'd only expect this to be a ghc flag (-fshow-levity), not a language
>> > pragma, since it should only affect the way types are /shown/.
>> shouldn’t this already happen, based on -fprint-explicit-kinds? At
>> least I would have expected this.
>> So we probably either want to make sure that -fno-print-explicit-kinds
>> also prevents forall’ed kind variables, or add a new flag of that (heh)
>> kind.
>> Greetings,
>> Joachim
>> --
>> Joachim “nomeata” Breitner
>>   m...@joachim-breitner.de • http://www.joachim-breitner.de/
>>   Jabber: nome...@joachim-breitner.de  • GPG-Key: 0xF0FBF51F
>>   Debian Developer: nome...@debian.org
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