Hi Simon,

> 3. After this step, starting a shell failed altogether with 
> "c:/msys64/mingw64_shell.bat is
> not recognised as an internal or external command". And sure enough, there is 
> no such file.
> Presumably it existed in step 1.  So perhaps step 2 deleted it?
> [...]
> 4. As you mention, I then tried msys2_shell.cmd.  It worked -- with a 
> noticeable delay of 5
> seconds or so.

I've also just got a new Win10 laptop and had the same issue with missing 
mingw64_shell.bat during msys2 install. I solved it by creating mingw64.bat 
with the following contents:

msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64 -mintty

I deleted all old shortcuts and use this script instead. Everything seems to 
work fine -- can build GHC.

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